Yara from thischicksgotstyle.com Jumper from zara, wedges from minimarket and cuff from H&M
Today I went to the city to go find a nice warm jumper for the winter. I went to H&M first, but the only one that looked kind of okay, was a knitted grey sweater which appeared a bit too short, and I don't really like short tees/sweaters. So I kept looking, but I found nothing what looked as nice and comfy as Yara's jumper. I'm really in need of warm clothes, but the problem is that I can't find anything (which I think sucks a bit).
I'm hoping for a miracle to happen, so that I will find a nice jumper, and I'll hope that this dream might come true this month, because the 24th of novembre, the new Primark superstore will open in our town. I can't wait to see all the new potential clothes for in my closet!
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